How to Create a “Sticky” Floating Footer Bar in WordPress

Are you looking for a way to create a sticky floating footer bar in WordPress? A sticky floating footer bar stays visible on your website even when users scroll down…

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6 Important WordPress Server Requirements You Should Know

Recently, one of our users asked what the recommended server requirements are for running a WordPress website. The best thing about WordPress is that it will work in almost any…

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How to Create an Auto Loan / Car Payment Calculator in WordPress

Do you want to create an auto loan or car payment calculator in WordPress? If you run a car dealership, then a loan payment calculator can help you get more…

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How to Create a Recurring Donation Form in WordPress (Step by Step)

Do you want to create a recurring donation form in WordPress? The right WordPress plugins allow you to easily accept recurring donations on your website. That way, your organization can…

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How to Restrict Content to Registered Users in WordPress (2 Ways)

Do you want to restrict some of your WordPress content to registered or paid users? Often, bloggers use subscriptions or one-time payment models to monetize content on their websites. This…

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How to List Future Upcoming Scheduled Posts in WordPress

Do you want to list your upcoming scheduled posts in WordPress? Showing a list of future scheduled posts to your users can generate a buzz around your content and encourage…

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How to Do A/B Split Testing in WordPress (Step by Step)

Do you want to run A/B split tests on your WordPress site to improve conversions? Split testing helps you understand how small changes in content and design affect user behavior.…

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How to Add Title Attribute in WordPress Navigation Menus

Are you looking to add title attributes to your WordPress navigation menu items? The title attribute allows you to provide extra information about a menu item. It often appears as…

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