Software as a Service

We specialize in bespoke software systems. From first discussions right through to the finished product, we will find out what you need by knowing what you want.

Understanding Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service is a term that has multiple perspectives. So here is a brief of what most customers boil down to the concept that

you don’t want to have to own and maintain software that you could use from another vendor and have it a one-stop-shop for all your software needs. 

If you are just looking into having your small business website up and running, and maybe have an e-commerce component to it, then you might not realise that somewhere along the line you’re using Software as a Service (SaaS). For example, if you are going to use,,, or even us at you are effectively utilising their software to create a website for you.

But just throwing a label at something like SaaS doesn’t improve things, and certainly doesn’t necessarily provide the customer with anything above and beyond their normal expectations.

However, sometimes you might want a system that doesn’t quite fit into the simple concept of being just e-commerce, or corporate identity. Sometimes you have an idea that you can’t find anything on the market to do for you. Perhaps it is a niche customer interactive system, or an administration system that your customers might never see, yet your staff can use from anywhere. Presuming you understand exactly what you want from the outset, this sort of product could be costly. And of course the price will escalate once you’re on your journey of design with all the “what abut this” components you didn’t initially realise you needed.

Web design meeting

What if you could have your idea designed and built and then only rented in terms of volumes of product  or clients, or transactions?

This too is Software as a Service (SaaS). The company not only helped you evolve your system over time, but you pay for it by doing business through it.

We have successfully implemented several “white label” systems for businesses. Most of which were start-ups, and didn’t have the capital to spend immediately on a system that could easily cost thousands, or even tens of thousands by the time it was ready to use.

What our experience and technical knowledge has produced

A bespoke Car Rental Reservations System

Car Rental Reservations

A bespoke Car Rental Reservations System allowing a customer to turn their business from start up to a multi million pound concern in just 18 months.

Vehicle and Personal Injury Claims

A bespoke Vehicle and Personal Injury Claims system making a well established “quill and pen” operation, 21st century complient.

Claims Management

Fleet Management

Claims Management

Clean elevator door

Digital Venue Management